Is there an attendance fee for CAKAMUN’22 ?

-No. Our conference is completely free to attend.

What format will CAKAMUN22 take ?

-CAKAMUN’22 will be held online.

Which applications do I need to download in order to attend CAKAMUN’22 ?

-Due to the fact that CAKAMUN’22 will be held online you will need to download Zoom and WhatsApp. Please make sure that you have the latest version of Zoom.

Will delegates be expected to submit position papers?

-No, we do not require delegates to submit position papers.

Which procedure would CAKAMUN’22 will follow?

-CAKAMUN’22 will be following the Harvard Procedure. Harvard Procedure primarily means that you will be preparing the resolutions during the committee sessions.

Will there be a dress code for CAKAMUN'22?

-Even though CAKAMUN'22 will be held online, formal clothing during committee sessions would be throughly appreciated.

When will the study guides be released?

-Right now, we are in the process of gradually publishing the study guides for various committees. Make sure to check the 'Committees and Agenda Items' section for updates!

You can contact us at cakamunizmir@gmail.com for your further inquiries.